Believe the best, forgive the rest.

I have books for the whole family!  All books are available at:

By Neva Bodin

Fed Up To Here!   


The pretty little girl had been sexually abused by a close family friend for six years. She finally told her mother, who took no action. The wise little girl told a teacher, and an investigation took place.   

That little girl had great courage. When I asked her why she told someone and kept telling someone until she was rescued, she answered, “Because I was fed up to here!” She waved a small hand across the middle of her forehead.   

I knew this little girl would survive and get past this abuse. While the memories may never leave, she would, with help, learn to deal with them and the feelings this kind of heinous crime produces.

I admired her. She went to someone for help. She persisted.  

Some days I am “fed up to here!” Actually, some years have made me feel that way.   

One year we had many tragedies in our family. They occurred almost monthly: we were farming and our barn burned down with 25 tons of hay stored in it for the coming winter; our daughter’s pet sheep, confined in the barn due to illness, died in the fire; two family vehicles were totaled in separate accidents; three family deaths left three chairs empty at our Thanksgiving table that fall; and of course, dealing with all these losses created multiple types of issues to deal with within our remaining family. I was “fed up to here” with tragedies and losses, and fearful of what the next month would bring.   

These were major events for us, but various things in our lives may make us feel fed up: too many responsibilities, multiple demands on our time, too much to accomplish at work or home, too many committee meetings to attend, too many people asking for our time, and too many telemarketing calls. Add the many national and local news stories of tragedies and fighting, and the unreal reality TV shows.  

Where do we go for help? Whom do we tell?  

“And he said, ‘My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest’” (Exodus 33:14 KJV).   

Heavenly Father, sometimes it’s hard to find peace and rest in the world. When “fed up to here” with responsibilities, bad news, and hurts in myself and others I cannot heal, it’s easy to forget where we should go for help. Remind me to take a deep breath and remember you are my help in times of trouble. You can give me peace. You tell us to find peace by inviting you into our lives.   

Finding and accepting your peace can be hard. My mind doesn’t always respond the way your Spirit tells it to. My body reacts with stress in spite of my knowing and feeling your presence and comfort. Especially when things affect me or my loved ones personally.    

You promise to be with each of us. We need to focus on your love and gift of salvation as we navigate joys and sorrows on earth. We can reassure ourselves, as we would a frightened child, that you are present. We can ask the Holy Spirit to make a home in our hearts.   

Please guide me as I seek your peace. Give me rest from my worries and hurts. Help me to lay my concerns and negative feelings at your cross, and not pick them up again. I will find peace daily in your word, through prayer, and by thanking you for your Holy Spirit who can give me that peace. Amen.   

 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart.

And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).