How to Strike it Rich!
I was inspired by a morning TV show, which I rarely watch, but I will have to rectify that deficit since they had profound insights. They gave only one tip on how to become a millionaire. So it must be the most important one. Are you ready? MAKE YOUR BED EVERY MORNING!
How simple. If only I’d known. I have failed at this. To think I could have retired in luxury—sipping Ensure in a satin housecoat on a cushioned lift chair.
Here I am, struggling to keep up with the dusting, sweeping, and laundry. Balancing the accounts as if my life depended on it. Hoping to win the lottery when I haven’t bought a ticket and don’t know how to play.
However, no details were given. Should the bed be made immediately? With my hair undone, my pajamas askew, and before I put my glasses on? Do I make it myself or can I ask my husband to help? Must one side be made before the other? How many blankets? What kind of sheets? Use quilt or spread?
What about the rest of the bedroom? Do the pajamas have to be put away, or can they still be thrown on the closet floor? Must the shoes be lined up on the rack? Does the hamper have to be closed? Should I put my makeup on first?
I wonder what controls they used for the study. How many millionaires did they study? Were they multi-millionaires or just millionaires? Had they always made their bed or just before their fortunes changed? And did they really make their own bed, or did they hire maids to do it for them?
If they hired maids, when did that start? After they made a million dollars, or before? If they stopped making their beds every morning, did they go broke?
We live in a glorious age. Studies and surveys teach us how to live. We now know what to eat to avoid illness, improve our health and love life, and what to feed our pets to give them more energy. As “age-of-retirement” people, we can wear water-proof underwear that’s very discreet, run races, and never have wrinkles. All while smiling! I know because I’ve seen the proof on TV.
We matter! Megabucks are spent finding ways to help us improve. Every commercial has a tip for some way to enrich our lives!
Since my husband now makes our bed every morning, I am going to re-make it right after I crawl back in for my morning nap. I wonder why we aren’t rich yet.
True Riches: “If a believer is poor, he should take pride that God has made him spiritually rich.” James 1:9 (International Children’s Bible)